RMS Friday Focus
Friday, January 16 2015

RMS Book Clubs open to all RMS students and staff. Facilitated by Mrs. Putnam-Pouliot.Friday, January 16 2015
+Principal’s Corner
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope that you all have a wonderful three-day weekend. In addition to the holiday on Monday, students at RMS will also be participants in an assembly honoring the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday the 28th. Josh Hall has created a program of music and readings that will help us all reflect on the meaning and memory of Dr. King's legacy. This program will be followed by several small group activities led by students on Thursday. We hope these efforts, along with many others, assist our students in their growth as positive members of many communities. I'm looking forward to the program and to hearing the thoughts and ideas generated by our students.
Student talent was on full-display this past week at our annual talent show and geography bee. Those in attendance last Friday (and there were many!) witnessed the incredible talent, courage and determination of our students first-hand. A wide range of performances, skits, and routines were delivered to great applause. I am always equally impressed by our audience and their positive support of each and every performer. I think our students recognize the risk each performer takes and they truly celebrate their efforts. A big thank you to Mr. Lacrosse for organizing this annual event.
This week we also held our annual Geography Bee. Students in grades 6-8 competed in their Social Studies classes for a chance to be in the finals, held in the RMS auditorium in front of 6th and 7th grade students and staff. All participants impressed with their knowledge of both United States and World Geography. Our final three contestants had a particularly spirited last round with question after question answered correctly. Congratulations to our winner, Max S, and to all of our contestants. Thank you to the RMS Social Studies department for their support of this event.
Michael Lepene
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