Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day FAQs and Responses

We had another terrific first day of school at the Richmond Middle School this week. I thought I would post a few of the frequently asked questions and responses here. Please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance with anything. We look forward to working together this year!

Q: What is the earliest I can drop off my child at RMS?
A: 7:30 AM each day. We do not have supervision in place earlier than 7:30 so we ask that you please don't drop off your child prior to that time. After 7:30 students may wait in the lobby, visit the cafeteria or play basketball/soccer in the gym. The bell rings for the start of school at 7:55.

Q: Do I need to purchase a RMS student planner?
A: No. We do make them available for purchase on a first come, first serve basis at the start of the year. We have already sold out of the RMS specific planner this year. Students may use any planner or organizer and in fact we encourage students to try different tools to find what works best for them. 8th grade students may wish to use their iPads this year as their primary planner/organizer.

Q: How can I find out more about the 8th grade 1-1 iPad program?
A: Please visit the 1-1 blog accessible both from the RMS web page and directly here.

Q: Can my child change their schedule/elective?
A: Depends. Core classes are locked in at this point unless there is a change in placement or a special circumstance. Elective changes can still be made over the next week as long as there is room in a desired course. Students interested in a schedule change should talk with their guidance counselor in the first week of the quarter.

Q: How do I add money to my child's cafeteria account?
A: The RMS tech department will be generating an instruction sheet including online account information. This should be sent home with the Principal's News and Notes on Friday. Students can also deposit cash or checks in the cafeteria each day before school or during snack.

Q: How do I log in to the Student Portal (grades/schedules/demographic info)?
A: The RMS tech department will be generating a single-sign-on instruction and log in sheet that will be sent home this week. Once you have created your parent account you can add all of your RMS and HHS students for easy access to their Portal pages. If you have difficulties creating your account or adding your child please contact the RMS tech office. Frequent Tip: Create your account before trying to use the student ID number to add your child.

Q: Where do I find information about bus routes?
A: The SAU web page has the most current bus route information. You can also reach the bus company at 802-295-2414.

Q: Where can I find __ document or more about RMS?
A: We try and post most of our documents and information on our web page. Please take a look and let us know if you have suggestions for additional material.

Please contact me if you have additional questions. Questions can be sent to or sent via tweet to @mlepene. Phone calls to the front office are also always welcome at 603 643 6040.

Thank you!
Mike Lepene
Associate Principal RMS

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2013-2014 RMS/Dresden Goals

Goal 1:  To provide a rich, robust, and highly transparent curriculum framework that helps teachers teach, students learn, and parents/community know . . . what we do and why we do it.


         Curriculum Mapping (Atlas Rubicon)
(1)   Complete curriculum maps.
(2)   Use curriculum mapping as a collaborative tool to better align grade level/discipline curriculum/instructional practices.

(3)  Engage students with multiple and varied formative and summative common assessments.
(4)   Investigate a variety of performance assessments to develop novel ways that students can demonstrate that they “understand, and can independently apply and reconstruct” learning.
(5)   Periodically invite school board and community to school to see examples of innovative performance assessments.

(6)  Appropriately integrate technology into course curriculum, assessments, and classroom instruction to enhance student learning.
(7)   Provide examples of integrated technology that “transforms” student learning.

Goal 2:  To improve one’s professional practice.