Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Building a Peer Feedback System

This afternoon we started the conversation as a staff about how to best design and implement a peer feedback system. This was a continuation of our school-wide effort to increase and improve collaboration.

We agreed that almost every teacher wants to improve. Further, this is a profession of learning and learners. We seek out opportunities to grow at conferences, workshops, colleges and universities, online PLCs, readings, school visits, and countless other avenues for professional growth. What we don't currently have is a robust and comprehensive strategy and system of supports for peer feedback.

As professional learners, we seek and crave constructive, actionable feedback. We are also fortunate to be surrounded by peers with vast experience and expertise as educators and content specialists. In order to be our best and grow as educators at the maximum trajectory we need to learn with and from each other.

Next year, we will commit to spending time in each other's classrooms observing, questioning, participating, and learning. We will spend the time to experience the learning environment each of us works so hard to create. We will invest in the conversations and sharing of our experience that provide essential informative feedback we can use to improve our craft. Along the way, we strengthen our relationships, our connections, and our sense of team and purpose. We will do this together.

As the leader of our school, I need to put the pieces in place to make this system grow and thrive. Obstacles and barriers need to be removed. Trust needs to be developed. Positive experiences need to be built upon and amplified. Adjustments and corrections will be made. I'm thrilled to take on the responsibility of making this a reality for our staff. As we work to become a cohesive and collaborative team pulling together I can't think of a better assignment.
