Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2013-2014 RMS/Dresden Goals

Goal 1:  To provide a rich, robust, and highly transparent curriculum framework that helps teachers teach, students learn, and parents/community know . . . what we do and why we do it.


         Curriculum Mapping (Atlas Rubicon)
(1)   Complete curriculum maps.
(2)   Use curriculum mapping as a collaborative tool to better align grade level/discipline curriculum/instructional practices.

(3)  Engage students with multiple and varied formative and summative common assessments.
(4)   Investigate a variety of performance assessments to develop novel ways that students can demonstrate that they “understand, and can independently apply and reconstruct” learning.
(5)   Periodically invite school board and community to school to see examples of innovative performance assessments.

(6)  Appropriately integrate technology into course curriculum, assessments, and classroom instruction to enhance student learning.
(7)   Provide examples of integrated technology that “transforms” student learning.

Goal 2:  To improve one’s professional practice.

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